Click here to register for Chana’s workshop!
Read from Chana herself:
I am the youngest child of Reb Zalman Schachter Shalomi Z”L and his first wife Tziporah Faygl.
I have 68 years of Life Experience.
I am currently not retired but “Reinspired” and ready to share Sageing with you with special insights of having been raised by Reb Zalman as I was growing up in Winnipeg and decades of continuing to receive parental guidance and influence throughout my adult life.
I hope to continue his legacy by tiptoeing in his rather large footsteps and spreading Sageing in Israel and throughout the world.
My proudest accomplishment was in raising my children and giving them my “all” and seeing them as amazing adults, each one doing such amazing contributions in this world by using their gifts and sharing it with others.
I am a grandmother to many (and a Great Grandmother to one).
It is a big joy to spend time with my grandchildren and watch each of their unique personalities shine.
I am a very optimistic and energetic elder and I hope to be able to INSPIRE you.