Welcome to the Becoming a Sage podcast, hosted by Dr. Jann. Episode 5 features Dr. Jann’s conversation with Dr. Tim Ihrig. We recorded this episode on one of the biggest snows of the winter (Thank you Dr. Tim for making it despite the weather), but you can hear a snow blower in the background of the audio. The content is great, so we wanted to make sure our listeners got it, despite the environmental difficulties.
Timothy Ihrig, M.D. practices palliative medicine caring for the most vulnerable and sickest people around the world. He helps other providers improve the quality and value of the care they provide this population. His unparalleled success in transforming the culture of medicine proves true patient-centered care has true value – increasing the quality of individuals live’s and increasing how long they live.
Dr. Ihrig is the CEO of Ihrig MD & Associates. He is internationally recognized for combining clinical and administrative experience to system design around population health management, care coordination and care delivery for the most vulnerable individuals. He is an expert in understanding risk as applied to healthcare systems and their contractual entities, micro- and macro- healthcare economics, population health, regulatory compliance from a system perspective and the interaction of all three. He combines a visionary approach to care delivery through a unique philosophical perspective modeled into methodology which can be strategically implemented into any healthcare system to meet the needs of patients, systems and payers. This has led to unparalleled success in across-the-continuum population health and community based palliative care program development and innovation.
Among many of his appointments are content expert to the Accountable Care Learning Collaborative (ACLC) which unites unparalleled experience, policy expertise, and vision creating an unmatched repository of knowledge, resources, and industry-leading insight for healthcare innovation and is co-chaired by former CMS Administrator and FDA Commissioner Dr. Mark McClellan. In addition, he is currently co-directing a nationwide project that is exploring an alternate payment model in the pre- and post-acute space that incentivizes true patient-centric care and liberates providers in those spaces from larger, traditionally dictatorial systems.
Dr. Ihrig’s featured TED talk has been viewed over one million times globally and National Public Radio’s, “All Things Considered” featured him in a story on the development and transformative nature of his philosophy of care. He is also endorsed by the Center for Advancement of Palliative Care as a national level clinician-educator.
To download to episode 5, click here.