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For several years, DSM Magazine has been honoring Sages Over 70 and I have had the good fortune of nominating a few who have been selected. Last year and this year, I have had the opportunity to write an article about Sage-ing (positive aging) for the magazine. You can read the article “Retirement Planning for the Soul” by clicking here (Make sure you go to the bottom of the document) or DSM Sage Article 2
I am passionate about Sage-ing. In fact, I started a monthly podcast series called Becoming a Sage. On the second Friday of each month, my blog subscribers receive a podcast which consists of an interview I have conducted with one of the thought leaders in the field of positive aging. My hope is that you have listened to some of these monthly interviews. The feedback I have received has been positive and I learn so much from listening to the life experiences of such wise people.
If I were asked to give the “Reader’s Digest” version of sage-ing, this is what I think is important to know. Sage-ing or aging positively is:
- Not about having money or being smart. Yes, you have to have “enough” money, but it involves more than that.
- About being intentional.
- Taking the time to plan the next phase of life. We tend to plan all of the other stages!
- Important to invest the time and energy in planning because there are so many negative possibilities when we don’t do this!
- A time of growth and opportunities if we stay positive.
- So much about attitude and outlook.
The rest of life can be the best of life. And when will you have more time than you have right now?
Make the most of the time you have RIGHT NOW.
How are you doing on the Sage-ing Meter with 1 = Poor and 10 = Excellent?
How might you improve your score?
How is your attitude right now?